The word is definitely out about CBD, and consumers are more curious than ever about the many uses for this natural cannabis product that so many people enthuse about (even though it doesn’t get you high). They’re so curious, in fact, that CBD has been one of the most-searched wellness-related terms on Google from 2016 to the present. That’s exciting news for CBD sellers and consumers alike!
Your CBD Store in Keller is always ready and eager to answer all your CBD-related questions. Have you been wondering which delivery method will work best with your routine? We carry topical CBD creams and lotions, bath bombs, gummy candies, oils, and much more. Part of the fun of trying CBD for the first time is choosing how you want to use it. Our friendly team will answer all your questions as you choose a dosing method.
The CBD Fascination
A recent study by health scientists from UC San Diego, Johns Hopkins University, and the University of York in the United Kingdom, found that Google searches for CBD outpaced searches for meditation, veganism, and even exercise in 2019. The volume of CBD searches began to really take off in 2016. The largest jump in search volume occurred between 2017 and 2018, but the upward trend is continuing even today. In April alone, 6.4million Americans searched for information about CBD – three times as many as searched for meditation, and seven times more than acupuncture searches.
CBD even won out over searches for vaccines and marijuana. In fact, the only wellness-related searches that kept pace were for electronic cigarettes and yoga. It’s possible to incorporate CBD into vaping hobbies and yoga routines. If you need advice on how to fit CBD into your daily regimen, just give us a call!
Don’t Be Fooled
Unfortunately, the increased curiosity about CBD has caused many questionable products to turn up everywhere from corner stores to fly-by-night websites. You will not find authentic CBD on big marketplaces like Amazon or Ebay. The large containers sold for suspiciously low prices at gas stations likely contain hemp oil with none of the cannabinoids, terpenes, or flavonoids found in real CBD products.
Real CBD is less expensive than many pharmaceuticals, but it’s not cheap. That’s because so much time and effort go into its production and extraction. Cannabis plants are notorious for absorbing whatever the soil holds, for better and for worse. They must be grown in strict conditions with organic practices to be as safe as possible. Then there’s the harvesting, removal of THC, product production, packaging, shipping, and marketing. There’s a reason you won’t find 48 oz of CBD oil for $20.
For real, beneficial, full-spectrum CBD, always buy from a trusted source like Your CBD Store in Keller. We only carry SunMed products grown organically in Colorado and independently lab-tested for verified CBD content. We’re privy to the entire production process “from soil to oil”, and we publish our lab analyses for customers to view. You never have to worry about what you’re putting in or on your body when you buy from us.
Your CBD Store in Keller: Naturally the Best Source for CBD
Google is a great starting point when you want to learn more about CBD and how to use it, but why not stop by and talk to one of our experts? Our store is friendly, welcoming, and professional. We treat CBD like the natural medicine it is, and we love to educate our customers about its many uses. From dosing guidelines to recipes for you and your pet, our staff has plenty of knowledge to share. Call or stop by today to learn everything you want to know about CBD!
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