by Chrissy Crowell | Nov 16, 2021 | CBD, CBD and Health, CBD Products
Health and fitness keep your body and mind strong and for best results, practicing it regularly is vital. Many athletes and gym-goers use dietary supplements and energy-boosting substances to help them perform their best everyday. CBD is a viable natural supplement...
by Chrissy Crowell | Dec 1, 2020 | CBD, CBD Gifts, CBD Products
You’ve most likely heard of CBD. Perhaps you’ve read about it online or even seen signs for local shops selling it. Maybe someone has told you they are using it for pain relief or anxiety. Maybe you’ve seen YouTube videos of children taking it to help with seizures....
by Chrissy Crowell | Nov 25, 2020 | CBD, CBD Gifts, CBD Products
A CBD-infused Thanksgiving dinner can take traditional and delicious holiday dishes to a new and magical experience. Cannabis Dinner Etiquette Before starting your multi-day prep for the meal, make sure that your friends and family know that there will be CBD-infused...
by Chrissy Crowell | Aug 1, 2020 | CBD, CBD Products, CBD Vapes
If you’re looking for a fast-acting, simple way to dose CBD whenever you need it, a CBD vape might be exactly what you need. These small devices work like any other vape, but they give you a tasty hit of non-intoxicating CBD that feels lighter on your lungs than...
by Chrissy Crowell | Jul 30, 2020 | CBD Products, CBD Vapes
The Most Popular Ways to Dose CBD Walking into a CBD shop for the first time can be overwhelming, and it can be hard to know which product is right for you. There are so many ways to dose CBD that you might not know which one to try first. Here’s a breakdown of the...
by Chrissy Crowell | Apr 8, 2020 | CBD, CBD Gifts, CBD Products
We know how much it sucks to be stuck at home. If you’re working, schooling, or raising kids while following social distancing orders, you might already be going stir-crazy. Fortunately, this time at home could be the perfect time to test some new CBD products. One...
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